
40 Meditation Methods
sīla / precepts
no killing, no stealing,
no lie ( incl. bad speech), no sexual misconduct, no intoxication
4 elements
Earth, Water, Fire, Air
mindfulness of breathing
4 brahma vihāra
mettā , karuṇā , muditā , upekkhā
4 colours, 4 elements, space, light
skeleton, dead corpse
kamma, nutriment,
temperature, consciousness
52 citta & cittasika
Idam me punnam, asavakkhayavaham hotu.
Idam me punnam, nibbanassa paccayo hotu.
Mama punnabhagam sabbasattanam bhajemi,
Te sabbe me samam punnabhagam labhantu.
sādhu ! sādhu ! sādhu !
By this merit of mine, may i destroy the taints;
By this merit of mine, may it bring about the realization of Nibbāna ;
I share my merits done today with all beings,
May all beings take an equal share of the merits shared by me.
sādhu ! sādhu ! sādhu !