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2019-2020 Sayalay Dīpaṅkara Schedule

Please contact the respective person in charge for the participation of short retreat in each country city or village. You need not apply for Meditation Visa for these countries as the retreat is less than 10 days. Registration opening and closing date shall be determined by each area organizing Retreat Committee. Please kindly make transport arrangement with them. Acceptance shall be based on availability of space. Please do not send your application to Brahma Vihari site. Thank you! Have a great and fruitful journey ahead.

Sri Lanka / Malaysia / Singapore / Indonesia

Taiwan / Japan / Korea / Hong Kong / Mainland China

Australia / USA / Germany

Sayalay Dipankara Retreat Schedule 2020

燃灯尼师 2020年行程

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Sayalay Dipankara Brahma Vihari
Sayalay Dipankara Brahma Vihari

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