
Powerful concentration through Loving-Kindness(Metta)
Sayalay Dīpaṅkara Bio
Sayalay Daw Dipankara Theri was born in 1964 in Myanmar.
At a young age, Sayalay started the meditation practice without external instruction. As she matured, she continued her practice but with guidance from various great meditation masters. She accomplished the practice within a very short period, under the guidance of her skilful teacher, Ven. Pak-Auk Sayadaw.
In 1990, she was ordained as a Buddhist nun at Pak-Auk Tawya Monastery, Myanmar. Since then, she was trained to be a meditation teacher. Sayalay Dipankara is experienced in teaching any of the 40 Kamatthana as mentioned in the Visuddhi Magga (e.g. Anapanasati, Four Elements Meditation, Metta, Buddhanussati, Asubha, Marananussati and 8 Samapatti (1st to 8th Jhana), Kasina meditation, etc) and Vipassana Meditation.
In 1996, she was invited to Sri Lanka by the highly respected Mahathera, Venerable U Ariya Dhamma to assist her teacher, Ven. Pak-Auk Sayadaw in guiding the yogis. Since then for 25 years till present, she has been invited by various Buddhist Centres to conduct talks and intensive meditation retreats in different countries such as USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, England, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Australia, Vietnam etc.
In 2000, Sayalay founded Cakkavala Meditation Centre in Singapore and is the spiritual advisor of the centre till the present.
In 2006, Sayalay founded Brahma Vihari Meditation Centre (Myanmar) to conduct longer meditation retreats for local and international meditators. Sayalay is also the founder and abbess of three other international Brahma Vihari Meditation Centres in Muar (Malaysia), Penang (Malaysia) and Subang (Indonesia).
On 20th March 2019, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture (Myanmar) and the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar conferred upon Sayalay Daw Dipankara Theri the hononary title of “Great International Meditation Master” in recognition of her extensive Dhamma teachings worldwide for the benefit of all.
1990年,她在缅甸毛淡敏帕奥禅林总院出家,受训成为禅修指导老师。 燃灯禅师对于清净道论里的40种业处(如入出吸,四界分别观,慈心观,佛随念,不净观,死随念,四禅八定,遍禅等)和观禅等具有丰富的教学经验。
于2006年,禅师在缅甸的眉缪成立了梵住国际禅修中心,更方便于为本地和国际禅修者举办更长的禅修营。并且, 禅师也是麻坡(马来西亚),槟城(马来西亚)和梳邦(印度尼西亚)三个国际梵住禅院的创始人和禅修指导导师。